What is Six Nations FUTURE?
The Six Nations Future website is a community engagement tool/process shared by the Six Nations Consultation and Accommodations Process Team (CAP Team) and the Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation (SNGRDC). The platform is used to seek community insights on development projects happening in and around the Six Nations territory. The website and community engagement process has been designed to educate the Six Nations community about the financial, economic, and environmental impact associated with development projects, and provides a community wide mechanism to gather feedback that will help guide current and future projects.

Who is the Consultation and
Accommodation Team (CAP) Process Team?
The Consultation and Accommodation Process (CAP) Team was established and authorized by the Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) to carry out the process of consultation and accommodation on behalf of Six Nations of the Grand River (SNGR) in accordance with the Consultation & Accommodation Policy.
- Communications including meetings with proponents and/or the Crown to discuss proposals, policies and projects
- To develop a working relationship with proponents and/or the Crown;
- Educate proponents and the public on Six Nations land rights;
- Negotiate a Term Sheet of accommodation on specific proposed projects that will benefit the Six Nations community;
- Conduct engagement with the Six Nations community;
- Draft definitive agreement for final approval; and
- Ongoing monitoring of projects
Lonny Bomberry, Director of Lands and Resources, Six Nations Elected Council
Phil Monture, Land Rights Consultant, Six Nations Elected Council
Robbin Vanstone, Consultation Supervisor, Six Nations Elected Council
Peter Graham, Land Use Officer, Six Nations Elected Council
Designate, Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation (SNGRDC)

Who is SNGRDC?
Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation (SNGRDC) was launched in May 2015 with the mission to achieve economic self-sufficiency without compromising the values of the Six Nations people.
The purpose of SNGRDC is to generate income, outside of the federal funding, to tackle community priorities that affect the Six Nations Community as a whole. This includes improving social conditions, aiding in infrastructure development and creating a healthy & sustainable environment for individuals, families and businesses to thrive.
SNGRDC is governed by an overarching Advisory Committee, a Board of Directors and Economic Development Trust together these governing bodies form the SNGRDC Group. This governance framework was developed following the Tewawennaró:roks – “We Gather Our Voices” community engagement project which gathered insight from the community regarding the creation of a community owned Development Corporation.
SNGRDC manages Six Nations’ economic interest for a number of renewable energy projects and economic development opportunities in and around the Six Nations territory.
Visit www.sndevcorp.ca for more information.
What is the We Gather Our Voices Report?
The Six Nations Elected Council has recognized that economic independence is a necessity for creating and maintaining a self-governing, healthy and sustainable community. In March 2011, they signalled their willingness to enter into a new understanding of success in economic development by allowing the Economic Development department to operate an “arms length” community engagement project known as Tewawennaro:rooks – We Gather Our Voices”.
The “We Gather Our Voices” project (WGOV) set out to gather the voices of community members to provide direction for the future of economic development at Six Nations. Between May 2011 and October 2011, 19 think tank sessions became the basis for the final report “Wetewawennaro:roke – We Gathered Our Voices.” This document is a key consideration for the Consultation and Accommodation Process on Six Nations and has also been a foundational document for the governance and community benefit structure of the Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation (SNGRDC).

Frequently Asked Questions
Feedback gathered can help guide negotiations, project approvals, and more. Showing your support or concern for proposed project can shape the final recommendation to pursue the project or not.
All feedback received either online or in-person is recorded in the project’s final report and published on the website as a matter of historical record. “Make sure you have your voice heard”
An engagement timeline is set to inform the community of proposed projects. During this time, the engagement team will meet with the community to gather feedback and respond to any questions or concerns they may have surrounding the proposed project. Feedback is collected through an assortment of methods such as:
- In-Person at community meetings open to the public
- Consultation sessions with key stakeholders
- Online or mailed comment submissions
You can check the Progress Bar on Active Projects or Past Projects to see what stage an engagement is in.
Review of Stakeholder comments and concerns are done using a qualitative analysis method. This approach provides a mechanism to capture the independent thoughts, opinions, and drivers of opinion from the Six Nations community. A quantitative method is not feasible for most project engagements, as this approach would require a community-wide vote; should that occur, the representative sample will be limited to those that vote within the community.
When the SNGRDC Board of Directors, the SNGRDC Advisory Committee, and the Six Nations Elected Chief & Council review the final report and community comments, the following factors are relevant to determining the quality of the comments:
- Are comments within the scope of the project
- Are comments self-serving or motivated by personal gain
- Are comments supported by evidence
- Are comments contradictory
- Are comments factual or hearsay
Keeping the values of transparency and accountability at the forefront, all written comments submitted within the engagement period are included in the final report and published online as a matter of historical record.