Past Engagements
Lake Erie Connector
The Lake Erie Connector will be a 177 KM, bi-directional, high-voltage direct current (HVDC), underwater electricity transmission line. The LEC would deliver 1,000 MW of power...
Oneida Energy Storage
Oneida Energy Storage (OES Project) is a 250 MW/1000 MWh battery storage facility, which has the potential to absorb surplus electricity from the Ontario power grid...
Nanticoke Solar LP
Nanticoke Solar LP (NSLP) is a partnership between Ontario Power Generation Inc. (90%) and Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation (10%)...
Niagara Region Wind Project
The Niagara Region Wind Project is a 230MW renewable energy project located in the Township of West Lincoln, Town of Lincoln, Wainfleet and Haldimand County...
Grand Renewable Energy Park
The Grand Renewable Energy Park (GREP) is located in South Cayuga, in Haldimand County, Ontario. These lands are located directly within the Haldimand Proclamation (1784) lands.