Project Description


Oneida Energy Storage (OES Project) is a 250 MW/1000 MWh battery storage facility, which has the potential to absorb surplus electricity from the Ontario power grid during off-peak hours, in order to return it to consumers when it is needed the most.

Project Information: At Time of Engagement

The 250 MW/1000 MWh battery storage project will be located in Haldimand County, in Jarvis, ON approximately 17 km from Six Nations boundaries. The project will consist of installing batteries on a 10-acre plot of land with the purpose of absorbing surplus electricity from the Ontario power grid during off-peak periods, in order to return it to consumers when it is needed the most. Ontario power grid during off-peak periods from renewable energy sources and inject it back into the grid during on-peak periods.

Six Nations Investment Review Timeline

  • Jan 11, 2021 – Initial Release of Information via
  • Jan  25 – Feb 25, 2021 – Two-way Community Commentary Period (via zoom)
  • Early March, 2021 – Final report posted via and submitted to SNGRDC & SNGREC for review
  • Mid-March, 2021 – Final review and adjustments made by SNGRDC Board on pursuit of potential investment
  • Mid-March, 2021 – SNGRDC Group to provide consent to proceed with the project, pending adjustments
  • Summer, 2021 – Anticipated start of construction – pending required approvals

Community members are invited to submit their online comments via the SN Future Platform, via email at [email protected] or during one of the live webinar information sessions. Due to Covid-19 Pandemic in person sessions will not be hosted, and online comments are preferred.

Webinar Dates

  • Weds. Jan 27 | 11 AM & 1:00 PM
  • Weds. Feb 3 | 5 PM & 6:30 PM
  • Weds. Feb 10 | 11 AM & 12:30 PM
  • Weds. Feb 17 | 1 PM & 2:30 PM
  • Weds. Feb 24 | 7 PM & 8:30 PM

CLICK HERE to register for an webinar or send us an email at [email protected]

Project Highlights

  • Up to $760M net savings to ratepayers*
  • 4.1 Million tonne reduction in CO2*
  • Over 900,000 hours of local employment*
  • Significant Indigenous ownership in low carbon infrastructure assets
  • OES Project would be the first project SNGRDC has co-developed as a partner
  • OES Project will be among the first of its size, and will be an example of how Indigenous partners can participate in building a sustainable future

*over the 20-year life of the asset

Community Benefit Structure

  • Based on current modelling, the OES Project would yield not less than $1M per year over the life of the project (20+ years) for the Six Nations Community
  • A6N to undertake all subcontracting opportunities, where possible during construction phase
  • OES LP will have up to 15 full time employment opportunities during operation phase, and will establish internship opportunities for Six Nations Community members to train up and become part of the team
  • A6N to undertake certain ongoing site maintenance work wherever possible during the operations phase

Project Update

Please Note: This section includes the most recent/updated information regarding the project. Based on feedback from online information sessions and submitted comments, project updates may differ than information presented at the time of engagement.

May 11, 2021
Six Nations Elected Council approved the project to proceed.
Further details can be found below under Reports & Resolutions.

September 2, 2021
Ontario’s Minister of Energy has asked the IESO to proceed with drafting a ten-year contract with NRStor Inc. and Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corp. for their proposed 250-megawatt Oneida Battery Storage facility, to be located in Haldimand County.

The Minister’s letter asked the IESO to submit a drafted final contract for consideration before November 30, 2021, prior to a potential Minister’s Directive to execute a final contract.


January 25, 2021 – February 25, 2021